Segundo Congreso Internacional Sobre Masculinidades e Igualdad Educación para la igualdad y Co(Educación)



Receipt until July 10, 2022.

Confirmation by the Scientific Committee of acceptance of the communication July 20, 2022.

Receipt of the FULL TEXT OF THE COMMUNICATION until September 15, 2022. 



All registered individuals, regardless of whether they register as in-person or virtual attendants, may participate in the congress by submitting and presenting communications.

The communications will be assigned to the topics from one of the eight scientific sessions.

Do not forget to register for the congress once your communication is accepted.

STEP 1. Submission of ABSTRACT before July 10, 2022. Form for sending ABSTRACT. 

The Abstract or Abstract must be composed of:

  • Title Communication.
  • Name and Surname of authors.
  • Institutional affiliation.
  • Contact email.
  • Abstract or Summary of 300 words.
  • Keywords – maximum 5.
  • Language: Valencian, Spanish or English.

STEP 2. Confirmation ACCEPTANCE COMMUNICATION: On July 20, 2022, the Scientific Committee will inform via email about the acceptance of the different communications for participation in the Congress.

STEP 3. Receipt of the FULL TEXT OF THE COMMUNICATION for publication in the book of proceedings of the Congress. Deadline September 15, 2022.

  • All accepted communications will be published in the minutes book with their corresponding ISBN.
  • Maximum length 12 pages (bibliography inclusive).
  • The information on the presentation format for the drafting of the full text of the communications can be found in the documents:

Rules, format and indications.

Template for the drafting of communications


  • From the communications that are accepted for each scientific session, the Scientific Committee will inform those that will be presented at the congress by their respective authors in addition to those that will be briefly referenced by the rapporteurs from each scientific session.
  • All communications selected by the Scientific Committee will be published in the proceedings book with an ISBN number.
  • If a communication has more than one author, all authors must register for the congress.
  • A maximum of 2 communications per author will be accepted.
  • Each communication may have at most 5 authors.



  • Oral communications will be presented during the corresponding scientific session in either Spanish or English.
  • Texts of the communications sent for publication in the congress proceedings will be in Spanish, Valencian, or English.



The Scientific Committee will analyze the contents and the requirements for submitted communications, and proceed to accept those that are deemed appropriate to be presented orally and/or published in the congress proceedings. Notification will be given for accepted communications on July 20, 2022.

Communications may be rejected by the Scientific Committee if they do not correspond to the congress title and the proposed contents therein, if they do not contribute anything original, or if their quality is insufficient. Communications may also be rejected if they do not contribute to the advancement of knowledge due to merely addressing a description of the state of the question or if they are mere recaps of already understood topics. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

In any case, communications that do not fulfill the requirements will be rejected: 12 pages maximum, Times New Roman font 12, single-spaced (including graphs, notes, and bibliography).



The communications chosen to be presented orally during the congress are allotted 10 minutes each. All remaining communications selected for publication in the congress proceedings will not be defended during the congress; however, they will be briefly summarized by the rapporteur.