Segundo Congreso Internacional Sobre Masculinidades e Igualdad Educación para la igualdad y Co(Educación)



  • Analyze the importance of educating children, adolescents, youth and male adults on gender equality and feminist values to prevent violent behavior (against girls and women, other children and men, and against themselves), risk behaviors that are produced and perpetuated by sexist-chauvinist socialization, and the hegemonic male gender norms that still exist today.
  • Question the various agents of socialization, such as the media, to introduce gender awareness and a feminist viewpoint, then focus on incorporating men into the fight for equality and present egalitarian male role models.
  • Make public coeducational proposals and tools to implement them into the work with children, boys, and male adults in favor of achieving effective equality.
  • Link and promote research on masculinities that produces socially and educationally applicable outcomes in order to achieve egalitarian masculinities as a strategy for social transformation.
  • Learn the most current approaches, projects, theoretical studies, empirical work and publications in the academic, professional and educational fields that address masculinities and coeducation.
  • Offer intersectional proposals for coeducational work that facilitate the deconstruction of patriarchal, violent and competitive masculinity, that which possesses the most harmful and toxic characteristics of the identity of men still dominant from the traditional model, which courts movement towards other pro-feminist and respectful models with social diversities.
  • Provide faculty members, as well as people in charge of equality issues at educational centers and the very leaders of educational centers, with the strategies, proposals and good practices of experiences to incorporate the issue of egalitarian masculinities into center programming, teaching, tutorial action plans and school boards.
  • Involve and train the stakeholders of educational communities at their various levels on the need for and importance of coeducational work focused on children, adolescents and young males to achieve gender equality.
  • Provide materials, tools, and coeducational processes focused on masculinities, with a gender perspective for classrooms, families, the media and society in general, which enable the education of men in a manner that is non-chauvinistic, non-patriarchal, non-androcentric and egalitarian.
  • Encourage the creation of interuniversity, intercenter, and interinstitutional networks of coeducational studies on pro-egalitarian masculinities on national and international levels.